Choose the credit card that makes the difference!!


You can share any kind of payments of at least 100 RON in up to 12 rates with no interest, anywhere in the world. Find out about the other benefits of the First Bank credit card!

With Franklin and Visa Exclusiv Gold credit cards from First Bank, you have the world at your feet! ANYWHERE* or WHENEVER you want, you can buy ANYTHING you want with up to 12 interest-free installments.

*with the exception of the following countries: Iran, Cuba, Democratic Republic of Korea/North Korea, Sudan, South Sudan, Syria, Ukraine - Crimea Region

Spread in 3, 6, 9 or 12 installments, anything you buy with a value greater than or equal to 100 RON and your dream becomes reality.


It is very simple!

You can build your own installment program as it suits you best! Right here:

For more information, you can call our Call Center service: 021.303.69.69

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