Choose your house from the First Bank Partners offer!

Get your Real Estate Investment Loan - Owner, from First Bank and you can purchase a property in one of the residential complexes presented below:

City: Constanța


Offer: Apartments starting from 55,000 EUR and monthly installments from 175 EUR

City: Bucuresti


Offer: Apartments starting from 42,500 EUR and monthly installments from 143 EUR

City: Ploiesti


Offer: Apartments starting from 46,500 EUR and monthly installments from 160 EUR / month

City: Bucharest


Offer: Apartments starting from 94,000 EUR and monthly installments from 217 EUR / month

City: Bucharest


Offer: Apartments starting from 62,000 EUR and monthly installments from 146 EUR / month 

City: Bucharest/Oradea


Offer: Apartments starting from 73,000 EUR and monthly installments from 165 EUR / month

City: Bucharest


Offer: Apartments starting from 38,850 EUR and monthly installments from 97 EUR / month

City: Bucharest


Offer: Apartments starting from 76,776 EUR and monthly installments from 179 EUR / month

City: Bucharest


Offer: Apartments starting from 47,500 EUR and monthly installments from 109 EUR EUR / month

City: Constanta / Cluj, Tg Mures / Brasov


Offer: Apartments starting from 76,400 EUR and monthly installments from 178 EUR / month

City: Timisoara


Offer: Apartments starting from 117,000 EUR and monthly installments from 236 EUR / month

City: Brasov


Offer: Apartments starting from 64,900 EUR and monthly installments from 149 EUR / month




Gain valuable time and benefit from the integrated offer from First Bank:
No analysis costs if you come with your salary.

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