• Dedicated team to provide specific support at all stages of the project:
    • in the writing phase of the project, in order to define a realistic financing structure and a cash flow that does not cause obstructions in implementation;
    • in the implementation stage, regarding the choice of payment methods and staging of transactions within commercial contracts, review of credit drawdowns and inclusion in the project budget, submission of requests for repayment / payment, necessary contractual changes, reporting, etc.;
    • in the sustainability stage, regarding the maintenance and operation of the investment.
  • Access to up-to-date information on European funds as a result of the bank's participation in working groups with ministries / managing authorities since the draft phase of the legislative guidelines / amendments;

  • Reducing the contracting period by quickly signing credit agreements that support the possibility of securing your own contribution;

  • Faster project development by beneficiaries due to quick access to funding sources (eg: payments to suppliers made faster);

  • Reduced volume of administrative work due to the elimination of the need to make supplementary payment requests / pre-financing requests;

  • Reducing the impact of the project on the cash flow of the beneficiary and reducing the risk of blocking / delaying the project due to lack of financial resources;

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