According to the Directive (EU) 2015/2366 Payment Service Directive 2 (PSD2 Directive), starting with March 12, 2019, First Bank offers to any Third Party Payment Service Provider  (TPP) that is registered dedicated APIs to test payments and accounts information. First Bank uses Berlin Group standards. Testing is free of charge.



  • Self-Enrollment
  • PSD2 Payments API (PISP) - services provided by those that stand between the payer and their online payment account, by initiating the payment to a third-party beneficiary
  • PSD2 Accounts API  (AISP)– services provided to users of payment services with online access to accounts through which the payer can get, through an online platform, a consolidated view on all their payment accounts, even if those are held on multiple PSP.  AISP cannot use the customers data or log on to their accounts for any purposes other than those provided by the service.


For login details, please send an email to psd2[at]


References of interest for PSD2:

Directive 2015/2366 on payment services

ARB - The revised Payment Services Directive

Berlin Group - PSD2 Access to Bank Accounts

Drepturile dvs. atunci când efectuați plăți în Europa

Payment rights in EU

Click here for details about the APIs used for the account view flow:

  • account list
  • account details
  • account balances (available or not)
  • consent (to view accounts)
  • delete consent
  • consent status

Click here for details about the APs used to initiate a payment as well as the status of a payment

Click here for details on the APIs used to verify whether or not the amount required to perform a card payment transaction is available in the online payment account available at customer

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