The house you've been dreaming about.

Finally yours through the MORTGAGE LOAN.

Apply for a Mortgage Loan with a fixed interest rate starting from 5.49% or refinance your existing one!

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We support agriculture through credits for APIA subsidies
Bridge loan until APIA subsidy is received
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The Place to be First.
Come to a team where everyone has the opportunity to be first.
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008 Minutes Account
You can open an account directly from the app in just eight minutes without going to the bank

To your attention

First Bank customer information

Do not provide personal information to anyone. If you receive EMAIL or SMS messages asking for information such as your bank application username, activation codes, card details, PIN code, or requesting that you click on links or log in: DO NOT respond to these messages, do not click on the links, and do not disclose the requested information. Use only the official and secure applications or platforms of the bank.

Personal data update

Update your personal data right now!

Are you an individual customer? It's simple, you need a valid ID and access to a webcam or cell phone camera. Click here and update online.

Are you a legal entity client? You can update your company data in the branch that manages your account.

You should know that updating the information is a necessary action in relation to all banking financial institutions in Romania and ensures both the fulfillment of legal obligations and the protection of customer interests in order to maintain a consistent level of accuracy of previously communicated data.

If you do not update your data, we will have to apply gradual restrictive measures, starting with the refusal to grant new products / services and continuing with blocking access to products, non-updating may even result in the termination of the contractual relationship.

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Accounts & payments

Your account, your choices

You decide, you have the means to act.


If you are under 25 years old or over 65 years old, you have no administration fee for your account, if your monthly First Bank card cash-in is bigger than 500* lei.

Otherwise, you only pay 10 lei/month. The price of a cappuccino.

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No account administration fee if your monthly First Bank card cash-in is bigger than 2000* lei.

Otherwise, 15 lei per month - that would be a flat white!

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No account administration fee if your monthly card cash-in is more than 4500* lei or if you own a savings account with at least 90.000 RON.

Otherwise, 35 lei/month - an excellent coffee in that very posh place where you would like to be right now.

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*According to the conditions in the Fees and Commissions section for Individuals

For me


The video call – well, we haven’t invented it but that doesn’t mean we won’t use it time and time again. Why go the bank when the bank can come to you? Welcome to the First Video Branch in Romania! Take the first step into the new video banking and initiate a video call with one of our colleagues! Can you even believe your eyes how much time you will be saving? WE CAN!


For a brighter future

First Bank gives you the freedom to follow your dreams. We have the right tools to help you turn into reality whatever wishes and aspirations you want to fulfill, be they small or more ambitious. Aim for the stars!


Your home is your happy place Is there anything safer in the world than having a place to call your own? We haven’t invented it, but the First Bank property loan is much more accesible now. With the Real Estate Investment Loan, we help you to afford having your own home, be it a new aquisition or a refinancing deal. And because there are no two houses the same and no two house owners the same, we invite you to give us a call and make plans together. Let’s talk specifics!

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A personal loan, the shortest way from desire to reality A dream without a concrete plan remains just a dream. With the confident loan, we land the wings your dreams need to fly or we refinance other personal loans, consumer credits or collateral credits. We won’t ask you additional documents to have you show us how you will spend the money. We are confident. Dreams - we haven’t invented them – but we found the solutions to turn them into reality.

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You have complete control over your savings, with deposit accounts spefically designed for your boldest plans!

First Bank appreciates the wise and the hopeful – we believe that what’s by you can’t get by you. In consequence, we have tailored the best solutions ensure your savings are kept safe and growing further and further.


Deposits – We haven’t invented them, yet we made sure we’re working on offering you more attractive deals with each day that goes by. With the STAR deposit, you know from the outset the amount of money you are going to be granted, as you will benefit of a fixed interest rate. We’re making sure your savings really multiply by offering you tax free withdrawals and account openings. Come and see for yourself how how simple, secure and cost-effective it is!

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The Future Plan opens on behalf of your child, and you have full rights.   

Savings can only be multiplied because we do not charge commissions for opening or administration.

Find out all you need to know that so that your savings are always growing

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Check out our daily foreign exchange rates.

Actualizare: 2025-02-14 17:23
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