BENEFITS for your company

minimum expenses on the electricity bill, after the system becomes functional.


50% discount compared to the standard price - investment loan with extremely low costs



ZERO cost in the first 3 months - grace period

Green investment credit - on favorable terms

Value: 85% of the investment (excluding VAT);
Currency: RON;
Total grace period: 3 months from the signing of the loan agreement - the period in which the photovoltaic panel system will be built and put into operation (thanks to the payment of commissions, interest and principal) after which the repayment is made in monthly installments equal until the end of the loan period;
Repayment period: 5 years (for Micro customers), 7 years (for SME / Corporate customers);
Guarantees: the project will be used as a guarantee depending on the client's classification, according to the bank's policies.

Green investment credit under IMM Invest Plus – frame Ukraina (IMM Invest, AGRO IMM Invest, IMM Prod, Garant Construct, Rural Invest and Innovation)

Value: 85% from the investment (without VAT) but no more than 10.000.000 lei (5.000.000 lei for primary agriculture, pisciculture, aquaculture)

Currency: RON.

Grace period: 3 months starting with the signing of the credit contract- the period in which to install and put into operation the photovoltaic system (grace period from the principal), after which the repayment is made in equal monthly annuities/rates until the end of the credit period;

0 lei interest in first 12 months from the first utilization (this is subsidized by the Romanian state);

Refund deadline: 6 years;

Guarantees: the photovoltaic system and the guarantee from the State (up to 90% form the value of the credit)

The conditions presented above are the general ones. The detailed conditions are presented in the offer / loan agreement / guarantee agreement and the financing agreement signed by the client, the bank and FNGCIMM / FGCR, as the case may be - they may vary.

The Green Loan from First Bank is granted only to companies that are / will become prosumers, respectively to those that will include the excess of active electricity produced in the national network.

Calculation of the benefits brought by the Green Loan

In the situation where you have a SME with an annual consumption of 200 of electricity, respectively a monthly bill of about 9,200 LEI (without VAT) and you install a photovoltaic system with enough power in order to cover the full energy consumption, which stars producing starting with month no 4 from contracting the credit loan, you can obtain the following financial benefits:

BENEFITS during the credit period
RON without VAT
Monthly payments WITH the project starting with 4th month (credit rate +maintenance and insurance costs +other costs with energy consumed from the network such as: transport costs, green certificates, etc.)
Monthly payments WITHOUT project (electricity bill)
Monthly ECONOMY generated by the project during the credit period
Total ECONOMY generated by the project during the credit period (up to year 7)
BENEFITS after lending
RON without VAT
Monthly payments WITH the project after full repayment of the loan (maintenance and insurance costs + other costs with energy consumed from the network such as: transport costs, green certificates, etc.)
Monthly payments WITHOUT project (electricity bill)
Monthly ECONOMY generated by the project in the post-credit period
Total ECONOMY generated by the project after the crediting period, up to year 25 (during the lifetime of the photovoltaic system)

This is an indicative calculation. For more information, please contact us.

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Name of partner

Services delivery area



CEZ Vanzare S.A.

  • CEZ Vanzare is the main supplier of electricity in the south-west of Romania, but also a supplier of natural gas, with a portfolio of household and industrial customers that exceeds 1.3 million customers.

Serviced area: National (the entire country)


  • Balkans Power Core is a young company, with a multidisciplinary team of experts united by the same set of values.The company's goal is to offer an easy transition to green energy to its partners, offering at the same time integrated services such as: consulting, design, project management, obtaining authorizations and approvals, turnkey project execution and maintenance.

Serviced area: National (the entire country)


  • Renovatio Solar is a photovoltaic project developer, EPC contractor and high-quality customized turnkey photovoltaic solutions, with a leading position in the field of solar energy and green technology. In 2010, Renovatio Solar became the first company in Romania to successfully complete the construction of an industrial-scale photovoltaic park with a capacity of 1 MWp. The company implements photovoltaic projects, both at the prosumer level and large-scale projects.

Serviced area: National (the entire country)


  • ALM POWER GROUP promotes green energy through the PHOTOVOLTAIC DEPARTMENT, offering complete, customized solutions and an easy transition to the quality of PROSUMER for clients. ALM POWER GROUP offers: specialized consultancy, transposition of the solution into a Technical Project, professional execution of the project at the highest standards and maintenance of photovoltaic power plants/parks.

Serviced area: Arges, Teleorman, Dolj,Olt, Valcea, Gorj, Mehedinti




  • Restart Energy is one of the largest independent suppliers of electricity for domestic consumers and SMEs in Romania, as well as one of the important regional players with subsidiaries in Germany, Spain and Serbia. Restart Energy  comes to business customers who want to reduce their electricity costs by up to 75% and become sustainable, with the "Restart Solar" solution.
    Restart Solar is an "all inclusive" solution which by installing photovoltaic panels on the roof or on the ground, partially or fully ensures the own energy consumption of business customers.

Serviced area: National (the entire country)


  • ROMSIR is a commercial company with full Romanian capital, founded in 1994 in the field of electronics and electrotechnics. After an extended period of testing, in 2007 they decided to introduce on the market a range of equipment producing energy from renewable sources, being among the first companies in Romania to offer such products.

    In recent years, they have sold and installed over 8,000 photovoltaic systems totaling over 43,000 kW in Romania.

Serviced area: National (the entire country)

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I understood that, in the situation in which I have selected at least one partner from the above list, I agree that my data to be processed by First Bank’s selected partner /partners with the aim of presenting commercial offers, in the conditions presented in the information note regarding the data processing by Bank’s partners, which I read it here, before expressing my consent. Requests to withdraw the consent for commercial communications sent by the bank's partners will be addressed directly to them (at the addresses communicated in the section above), according to the processing policies that will be communicated to you by them.

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During what period can photovoltaic panels be used?

The photovoltaic panel system can be used for about 25 years. After repaying the loan, you will be left with a substantial savings as a result of minimizing your electricity bill costs.

Can I become a prosumer?

Yes, with financing from First Bank, you have the opportunity to become a prosumer, respectively to include the excess energy produced in the national grid (for photovoltaic panel systems up to 200 kwp) and to use it during periods of low production or to use it for sells in the national grid (for photovoltaic panel systems between 200 and 400 kwp)

Can I get energy independence for my company?

Depending on the installed photovoltaic system, it is possible to achieve the complete elimination of the cost of electricity as a result of its own production. You become independent of the fluctuations of the price of electricity. During the crediting period, the cost of the active electricity bill can be replaced by the cost of the loan, thus the cash flow is not affected.

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