Why Click to Pay

Through Click to Pay, your enrolled cards are associated with your email address and you no longer need to manually enter your card details when completing the online payment, you just have to select the desired card from the list.

Online payments thus become more secure and easier to make.

Where can I pay by Click to Pay

You can pay online with a card enrolled in Click to Pay, on merchants' websites where you can find any of these symbols

How to enroll my card in Click to Pay

We take care of it: when your card is activated, it will be enrolled in Click to Pay, if you have updated personal data and you have Internet/Mobile Banking.

How to pay online with Click to Pay?

Directly on the payment page of the merchant that has the Click to Pay option, at the first use your identity is verified through a unique code sent to your phone number, and then you can select from the list one of your cards enrolled in Click to Pay.

For subsequent transactions, you can directly select the card you want.

How can I activate/deactivate a card in Click to Pay

You can request the activation or deactivation of a card in Click to Pay at any time, as well as additional information about Click to Pay, by contacting us at the following phone numbers:

+4021 303 69 69, available from Romania and abroad  

0800 801 802, available in any national network.                                                                    

The cards eligible for this service are:

  • Visa Shop & Cash
  • Visa Platinum
  • Visa Debit Virtual
  • Visa Franklin
  • Visa Exclusive Gold
  • Visa Business Standard
  • Visa Business Premium

Frequently asked questions

If you still have questions, look for the answers below.

If I use Click to Pay, will the online payment be made only by selecting the desired card from the list on the merchant's website?

With Click to Pay, only the step in which card data is entered (including card number, expiration date and CVV) is eliminated, thus making the payment safer and simpler by not entering and sharing sensitive information with merchants at each payment. The transaction is authorized at the highest 3DS security standards, as is the case with any online payment, with biometric data in the First Bank mobile application or through the unique SMS code.

If my card has been renewed or reissued, is it still active in Click to Pay?

A new, reissued or renewed card, which is not active, will not be enrolled in Click to Pay, for increased security. When you activate your new card, it is automatically added to Click to Pay.

How do I change the email address that cards are associated with in Click to Pay?

The cards enrolled in Click to Pay are associated with your e-mail address that you use in relation to the Bank. If you want to update your personal data, click here

Useful links:

Your card contract can be found here

The information notice on data processing can be found here

You can update your personal data here

Our dedicated staff is at your disposal for any information regarding our products and services by telephone at: 021 303 69 69 or 0800 801 802.

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