The sunrise in your renovated home
Is worth every day of waiting. 

Apply for a personal loan with a fixed interest rate starting from 6.89% or refinance your existing one!

Get the offer

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Loan Value (lei)
3000 lei 147000 lei
Reimbursement period

Installments type

You want an interest rate discount?

Monthly installment, lei 400
Interest %
Monthly installment, lei
Interest %

Offer valid starting November 27, 2024. Personal needs loan. DAE (LEI) 9.38%, calculated for a net loan value of 60,000 lei (63,060 lei loan value with life insurance included) over a period of 60 months, in case of income collection in an account opened at First Bank, purchasing an Insurance product and refinancing at least one loan held at another bank. The fixed interest is 6.89%, resulting in a rate of 1,245.39 RON. The total payable value of the loan in this case is 77,783.61 Ron.


Your plans are coming to fruition by paying monthly installments with fixed interest rates over the entire lending period.

Is a loan created for personal needs, including refunding of consumer loan/s or collateral loans, without the need for supporting documents on how the money is to be used


Collect your monthly income into a First Bank account and benefit from a preferential discount on interest.

We provide all the information you need, whether you choose the fixed interest or the variable interest. You can find all the available interest discounts here.

Frequently asked questions

If you still have questions, look for answers below.

What documents are required to obtain the approval for a personal loan?

  • If your monthly income is recorded in the NAFA database, you only need your / your co-payer’s Identification Document, if applicable.

Up to what age can I apply for a personal loan?

  • The maximum age for the loan, at the end of the lending period, must be 65 years.

If I cannot get the amount I want, can I bring a co-payer?

  • Yes. You can bring in maximum one co-payer (your spouse or partner with whom you live and share your household activities, a parent / brother / sister, a son / daughter).

What monthly income do I need to have to apply for a personal loan?

  • Minimum 2.000 de lei/month per individual/earned individually.

How can I find out what the maximum amount I can get is?

  • The fastest and easiest way to obtain all the information you need is to initiate a video call with one of our colleagues on FIRST VIDEOBANK. We will offer you a loan offer tailored for your needs, with alternative options. You have 15 days to decide which is the most suitable for you. You can also visit us in any First Bank Branch and we will offer you all the information you need.

What type of loan can I refund?

  • Any type of loan granted by a bank and / or non-banking financial institution in Romania.

Can I make early repayments?

  • Yes. You can reimburse any amount, free of charge. In the case of fixed interest loans, an early repayment fee shall be charged, depending on the time remaining until the end of the loan.

If I repaid part of the loan in advance, can by montly payment instalment be reduced?

  • Yes. After an early repayment, you can opt for a proportional decrease in your monthly payment or in your remaining reimbursement period (or a combination of these two).

If the salary payment day changes, can I also change the due date of my loan?

  • Yes. You can always request, free of charge, to change the due date for your loan.

If I refinance my loan, can I immediately have access to the extra-cash of the loan?

  • Yes. Immediately after making the money transfer to extinguish the loan in question, if this transfer was made through a “Conditional Payment Order”.

How much does it cost to transfer money to refund a loan?

There are no costs. Costs 0 (zero). These money transfers are exempt from any fees and charges (both in the case of the Simple Payment Order and the “Conditional Payment Order”).

If my income is from royalties, can I still apply for a home improvement loan?

  • Yes. Income from royalties is accepted alongside with income from salary, pensions, mandate contracts, self-employment, management contracts or agency contracts, rents, life annuity income.

Can I refund a loan in EUR?

  • Yes. Although the loan is made in RON, the amount required to extinguish the loan from another bank may be transferred in EUR in your current account, by means of a foreign exchange transaction (at the bank’s exchange rate).

What happens if, during the lending period, I can no longer comply with the monthly income transfer conditions?

  • In this case, you shall lose the interest rate originally granted.

What benefits do I have If I purchase the dedicated insurance product?

  • In addition to the benefits provided by the protection items, you can also benefit from a 1% interest rate discount on your interest rate. Additional discounts can be added to this discount if you decide to receive your monthly income (1%) or to refund your loan from another bank (0.5%).

What risks are covered by the life insurance policy?

  • If you earn salary income, the insured risks are: involuntary loss of the workplace and death from any cause. For the remainder of the cases: death from any cause and total permanent invalidity from any cause.

How do I pay my loan installments?

You have several payment methods available:

  • Cash deposits at any First Bank branch

  • Transfers from another bank to the current account opened at First Bank

  • Cash deposits through the QIWI terminal network  

Choose the nearest QIWI terminal here.

You can deposit cash without commissions.

For more information click here.


Cash deposits through CEC bank network

The installments in RON will be deposited in the account RO93CECEB000X5RON1309503

The rates in EUR will be deposited in the account RO66CECEB000X6EUR1312344

The following information will be provided:

Name and Surname depositor / CNP depositor

Name and surname of the beneficiary / CNP beneficiary 

What is the monthly credit installment composed of?

The rate consists of two components: principal and interest. The principal represents a portion of the borrowed amount that is returned to the bank monthly, and the interest represents the monthly cost of the loan. The longer the loan period, the weight of interest in the monthly rate increases, especially in the first half of the loan period. This is because in the early years, the loan balance is high, and the interest is calculated according to this balance.

How is the loan repayment in equal installments calculated?

In this situation, in the early stages of the repayment period, the bank will allocate a relatively small amount of the monthly installment to cover the principal (the amount borrowed), while the majority difference will be represented by costs (interest and fees applied to the remaining principal of returned). As time passes, the proportion of the principal in the total amount of the rate will increase, reversing the ratio of the component parts of the rate. In the case of equal rates, the debt to the bank (the amount borrowed) will decrease at a slower rate.

How is the repayment of the loan calculated in decreasing installments?

In this situation, the borrowed amount is divided into equal installments, and the monthly installment is composed of a principal installment and the costs applied to the principal to be returned to the bank. Although the initial payment amount may be about 20% higher than in the case of equal installments, as the loan repayment period progresses, the customer will pay a lower monthly installment. It is also important to note that the borrowed principal to the bank is constantly reduced by the same amount.

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