The personal need loan with refinancing can be obtained for the refinancing of loans granted before July 8, 2020 for a maximum period of 10 years. You can now apply from anywhere, in any branch or through Video Banking, easier than ever.


You have a fixed interest rate for the first 5 years and a variable starting from the 6th year. If you collect your monthly income in a First Bank account, you can have discounts of up to 30% on interest, plus an annual loyalty discount.
  All cost information can be found here.

Frequently asked questions

If you still have questions, look for answers below.

How do you get the loan?

If you have Romanian citizenship, a minimum of 22 years or a maximum of 65 years * and a minimum income of 2,000 lei, opt without worries for the personal needs loan. You can get the loan with a co-payer, but it is important to know that your income must amount to at least 4,000 lei and that you can apply with your spouse, partner or partner, but also with a close relative. * The maximum age for obtaining the loan is 70 years, only if the declared income comes exclusively from the pension.

What documents are required to apply?

If you meet the eligibility criteria and your income is registered in the ANAF database, then you can obtain the loan only based on the identity document (and the co-payer, if you choose this option). In the case of a co-payment, both payers of the loan are subject to the same eligibility criteria and the same checks. For your convenience, you can sign all the documentation online, without going to First Bank branches.

Do you have any other questions? You can find the answers below.

The insurance policy will cover your risks due to job loss or death, if your income comes from your salary. Early repayment of the loan is possible at any time, with a fee of 1% for the first 4 years. From the 5th year of lending, the early repayment of your loan will no longer be commissioned

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