Enter a video call with one of our representatives and you can get it without going to the bank. You can get a personal loan or you can refinance your existing loan without going to the bank.


You shop wherever you want and enjoy the benefits offered by First Bank credit cards with no trips to the bank.


You can have Internet & Mobile Banking, debit card and current account, all online. 

Join a video call with one of our representatives and learn more!

You can get our products by connecting yourself via audio-video devices, so you can see and hear us in real time.

What it is and how it works?


First VideoBank is an innovative service that helps you get in direct audio-video connection with one of our consultants, by means of any device (mobile phone / tablet / laptop) that has a front camera and a stable internet connection.

Everywhere and anytime with First VideoBank


You can talk to us EVERYWHERE you are, during your vacation, at home or in any other place without going to the bank. You can join us live at ANYTIME, as the service is available Monday to Friday between 8 am and 8 pm and Saturdays between 10 am and 3 am. We do what robots cannot, the video agent will guide you and advise you to choose the product according to your needs.

The products you can buy


Personal loan Credit card Salary card Current account packages for your business Credit facilities for your business

Example of calculation for Visa Exclusive Gold


For a credit limit of 5,367 LEI, fully accessed over a 12-month period and repaid in 12 equal monthly installments, taking into account the variable interest rate of 20.17% for shopping and 21.17% for cash (consisting of the ROBOR reference index at 3 months and the fixed margin of the bank of 17% for purchases and 18% for cash), the annual fee (150 LEI) and the insurance cost of 0.35% per month, applied to the amount used, the total payable amount is 6,262.62 LEI, having a DAE of 35.13%.

Example of calculation for Visa Exact

For a credit limit of 5,367 LEI, fully accessed over a 12-month period and repaid in 12 equal monthly installments, taking into account the variable interest rate of 21.17% for purchases and 22.17% for cash (consisting of the ROBOR reference index at 3 months and the fixed margin of the bank of 18% for purchases and 19% for cash), the annual fee (40 LEI starting with year 2) and the insurance cost of 0.35% per month, applied to the amount used, the total payable amount is LEI 6,183.73 having a DAE of 30.61%.

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