Easy to use interface
Withdraw money from any ATM *
Free Visa Platinum Card *
Fast payments without commission
You pay the road or bridge tax directly from the app
Whether you make direct debit or use the Scan & Pay function, the payment of invoices is done in a few steps.

You can find the list of fees and commissions here.

* Customers who receive monthly income at First Bank equal to or greater than 4,500 lei can have the MY Liber current account package for free. Otherwise, customers will pay a monthly administration fee of 35 lei, after the first 6 months free.

Video Tutorials

Whether you want to open an online account, or you want to see what you can do with a single swipe in our app, explore our gallery of tutorials.

Proces activare mobile banking clienți existenți First Bank
Actiuni prin swipe in istoric tranzactii First Bank
Istoricul tranzactiilor din aplicatia First Bank vine acum si pe email
Cum reinstalezi aplicatia First Bank?
Cum iti deschizi cont First Bank 100% online?

Frequent questions

If you still have questions, look for answers below.

What can I do with the new First Bank app?

You can find all the functionalities of the new app here.

How can I request deletion of my account?

If you wish to close your First Bank account you have available the possible options to send your request here.

You can find the information related to personal data processing and retention periods for the accounts opened online here.


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