Freedom deposit
Take a super interest at the Freedom Deposit!
Open 5 months FREEDOM deposit, in euros or lei and you have super interest!
Take advantage of the offer!


Our deposits turned everyone into winners. Guaranteed and predictable earnings, which you can count on. What more can you ask of a deposit? Now the time has come to discover the luckiest of the luckiest.

The winners of the weekly prizes of 1.000 euro, out of the people who entered the campaign during 28th of July and 24th of August 2023 are:

Papadakis Carmen Livia, Konrad Tibor-Daniel, Alexandrescu Viorel, Gorgon Radu-Adrian. 

Have fun making your dreams real!

Ionas Ioana Iuliana can start preparing for a dream journey. She has been chosen to enjoy the sun and endless beaches in Hawaii. Congratulations!

Thank you to all participants!

The "Freedom Deposit takes you to Hawaii" campaign has ended. 
Please refer to the campaign's regulations here.


You can open a deposit in RON or in EUR for 5 months, very easily, through Video Banking, Internet & Mobile Banking or in any First Bank branch, if you want to visit us.

You need a minimum amount of 5000 RON/1000 EUR and you have a super interest of:


Deposits in lei:

o Video Banking: 6.00% pa
o First Bank Branch: 6.00% pa

Deposits in EUR:

o Video Banking 2.80% pa
o First Bank Branch: 2.80% pa


These interest rates are for deposits made from new funds


Your savings can grow safely! The deposit is guaranteed by the Bank Deposit Guarantee Fund. 

You benefit from a fixed interest rate. Thus, regardless of the fluctuation of the interest on the banking market, you know from the beginning the exact amount you will receive at the end of the deposit period.

More information about the product can be found here.

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