Future plan - It's never too early to save for your child


Savings can only be multiplied, because we do not charge commissions for opening or administration. The savings for your child are guaranteed by The Deposit Guarantee Fund. 


You always have access to money without being penalized and without losing the accrued interest.


You can receive a 15% bonus on a yearly basis from the amount of interest paid over the last 12 months if you honor your promise to deposit money in the Future Plan every month and not to withdraw it.

The Future Plan opens on behalf of your child, and you have full rights. Find out all you need to know that so your savings can keep growing.
  • Mandatory minimum amount for monthly deposits: 42 LEI / 10 EUR / 15 USD
  • The interest is variable and is calculated at the daily balance, being capitalized monthly.
  • Deadline: until the minor reaches the age of 18 who is the holder of the savings plan.
  • Deposits: at any time and at any amount (provided that the amount of monthly food is at least equal to the minimum amount required for monthly deposits).
  • Cash withdrawals: at any time and at any value.
  • Closing the savings plan can be done: at any time, at your request, if for 3 consecutive months you do not deposit at least the mandatory minimum monthly amount.
  • In case of reaching the age of 18 of the holder, the savings plan will be closed automatically and the existing cash will be transferred to the current account   
The interest is variable and is calculated on a daily basis and is capitalized monthly. You receive a 15% bonus if you meet certain conditions.


You benefit from a bonus of 15% of the amount of interest paid during the last 12 months, but not more than 600 LEI if you do not omit more than 2 months for each period of 12 months to respect your commitment to save at least monthly the minimum amount mentioned; if you do not make any cash withdrawals from the balance of the savings plan during the 12-month period.


See here the interest list for the Future Plan

Our dedicated staff is at your disposal for any information about our products and services at tel. 021 303 69 69 or 0800 801 802.

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